Monday, April 13, 2015

World Records
The world record: Heaviest aircraft pulled by a man
The record holder: Kevin Fast
When the world record was set: September 17, 2009
The world record: Oldest person ever
The record holder: Jeanne Louise Calment
When the world record was set: August 04, 1997
The world record: Fastest sport stacking individual cycle stack
The record holder: William Orrell
When the world record was set: November 08, 2014
Favorite world record: Longest time breathing held voluntarily
Why you are fascinated about this record: I am fascinated by this record because a lot of people can’t hold their breath for a long time and he did a record and it’s very amazing.

Would I like to break a world record: I would not like to break a world record because I think that it would be difficult to break it because it is within the world and it might be impossible.

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